
Residential Construction Serving the 5 Boroughs,


Westchester, Long Island and Southern Connecticut

  • Accessible Kitchen Renovations 
  • Accessible Bathroom Modifications
  • Extensions for the Disabled
  • Wheelchair Home Modifications
  • Apartment Combination and Renovations
  • Elevator Systems
  • Handicapped Access Ramps
ADA Lifestyles was formed to bring the finest craftsmanship possible to residential disabled home renovations. Handicapped accessibility is our total focus encompassing ramps, elevators, lifts, wheelchair accessibility, disabled home design for extensions, kitchens, bathrooms, showers and entire houses.

As disability-specific home contractors we have the expertize to design and build living spaces that maximize quality of life - No one needs sacrifice style for accessibility. You will be amazed at what we can achieve. Call now and talk to a partner and share in our world of experience with contracting for the disabled.

Residential ADA Real Estate Consulting

ADA Lifestyles and their partners offer their expertise across the entire metropolitan New York area to find, build, convert and develop existing houses, lots, apartments and indeed any residential space for clients with specific needs due to disabilities.
More information will be posted soon and we invite you to check back with us.