914-231-6107 /
459 Saw Mill River Road, Ardsley NY 10502
In the event of emergencies such as floods, fires, tornadoes or
hurricanes, those individuals with disabilities need to be prepared to get out
of their homes as quickly and safely as possible. Therefore, they need to be prepared.
Here are some tips to help disabled individuals prepare for a
disaster in the even that one may occur:
Practice getting out of the house quickly at least twice
a year.
Discuss any special needs with a local
emergency-medical-services provider.
Plan where to go for shelter and how to get there, and
who may need to provide you with assistance.
Compile an emergency-preparedness kit that can last 24 to
48 hours. It should include items such as medication lists, contact numbers,
medications, catheter supplies and a first-aid kit.
Think about shelter and supplies for your service animal.
Do you have any additional tips? Let us know on ADA Lifestyles
Facebook page linked HERE!
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