459 Saw Mill River Road, Ardsley NY 10502
This week, May 13-19 is National Women’s Health Week. The
purpose of this week is for women to take ownership and power over their health
and make it a top priority. It also sets out to try and help women understand
what preventive health measures they can take to remain in good health.
Here are some guidelines based on the U.S. Preventive
Services Task Force and the American Cancer Society. Also, be sure to discuss
all preventive health measures with your personal doctor!
1. Heart Disease Screening. Your blood pressure
should be checked at least every two years and even more frequently if you have
high blood pressure. Also, yearly cholesterol tests are recommended for women starting
at the age of 20.
2. Colorectal Cancer Screening. Starting at the age
of 50, women with no increased risk for colorectal cancer should begin
screening, especially if there is a family history.
3. Diabetes Screening. If you have high blood
pressure, consider diabetes screening.
4. Breast Cancer Screening. The American Cancer Society
recommends clinical breast exam about every 3 years for women in their 20’s and
30’s and every year for women over the age of 40. Mammograms should begin
yearly at age 40 and continue on for as long as a woman is in good health.
5. Sexual health screening. Pap smears should be done
every 3 years for women over the age of 21 or when they become sexually active.
All women at increased risk or become pregnant should be tested for HIV.
6. Osteoporosis Screening. Women over the age of 65
should get a bone mineral density test if you’re at increased risk.